Eastern White Pine Needle Water

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Ingredients: Eastern White Pine Tree Needles And 16oz of Natural Spring Water

Do Not Use If Pregnant, Breastfeeding or Have Any Allergies

Organic, Non GMO, Dairy Free, Vegan, Holistic, Natural

Eco-Friendly 100% Recycled Plastic Bottle

The Eastern White Pine Tree Provides:

A Natural Source of Natural Anti-Infective Compounds From Nature. Several compounds found in pine needles have been identified as a potential antidote to the current spike protein contagion resulting from the chimeric SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus(Covid-19),and the potential pathogenic transmission of the spike protein from the experimental mRNA vaccines. Eastern white pine tree needles(Pinus Strobus)contain many beneficial constituents useful for the prevention of colds, flu, bronchial and upper respiratory infection complaints, removal and thinning of mucous from the lungs, dry and wet coughs, laryngitis, phlegm, congestion in the lungs and chest, stimulates lymph flow, also relaxes by soothing, cooling and calming irritated and inflamed sinuses and lungs.

“Eastern White Pine Is The Only Known Natural Source of Suramin On The Planet”

The inhibitory effect of suramin from pine needles from naturally occurring compounds on the coronavirus spike protein, certain types of cancer, certain parasites and autism creates many therapeutic benefits with natural anti-infective compounds such as natural vitamin A, and vitamin C from the sun, air, water, soil, prayer and meditation on Revelation 22:2, KJV: "In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations."

Cleanse, Support And Boost The Body, Mind, Spirit And Immune System Inside And Out Naturally, Spiritually With Super Purifier

Made In America